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Interview w/ Rising Phoenix: talking about KS, Japan & Tick!

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:12 am
by PeeJayx
Greetings again all!

Well, the final countdown is upon me (well, my Kickstarter anyway!) and I just want to say thanks so much to everyone who has given me support so far! If I'm honest with myself, this project was more of a test, but the fact that I'm still here and could actually reach my goal is very humbling. Thank you!

To keep the ball rolling, here is a link to a recent interview I did with Rising Phoenix Games. If you'd like to hear me talk more in-depth about the origins of 'Tick', or if you just want to hear what it's like to be a wanabe author in Japan, check it out:

Here's a sample Q&A to whet your appetite:

RS: “You said you live in Japan, has it inspired your writing? And could you tell us a little about Kami, the novel available for free on your blog?”

PL: “Yes, it has, it has changed the way I write. Because of the lifestyle and because of the job and not having much free time. I write when I can. You can find me on a packed train with a salary man’s elbow in my back, typing a book on my smart-phone. The train commute is crazy busy, but I can see Mount Fuji, which is great.”

And of course, here's a link to the Kickstarter itself:

Happy reading! And thank you again for your support!


Re: Interview w/ Rising Phoenix: talking about KS, Japan & T

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:42 pm
by sbriggman
@PJL Awesome! Congrats on the interview. :).

What's it like living in Japan vs. UK btw?

"this project was more of a test" - What did you learn from the test?

Re: Interview w/ Rising Phoenix: talking about KS, Japan & T

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:58 am
by PeeJayx
Thank you!

The living situation is very different: the weather is more extreme here, for starters. As I type this, there's like a foot of snow outside! In the UK you'd be lucky to get even a light dusting. I could be here forever writing down the differences, but that is a whole other story!

As for the test, I think I've learned a lot about a project's balance: how it must be worthwhile for you but also be worth other people backing it.

Re: Interview w/ Rising Phoenix: talking about KS, Japan & T

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:56 pm
by sbriggman
"how it must be worthwhile for you but also be worth other people backing it." - Good tip!