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Do you want to live forever?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:40 am
by sevarawillrise

Damian Wampler's new comic book Sevara appears at first to be your typical sci-fi adventure, replete with giant robots, samurai swords, and the obligatory hover bike. Yet this female-centric fanboy romp is also a rich and engaging look at the gender stereotypes, theological conflict, and ecological degradation.

Sevara, an immortal whose memories of her mortal life corrupt humanity, is rooted in today's most pressing issues. Damian came up with the idea of Sevara while sitting in a religion class, thinking about what Jesus and other prophets would think of how humanity had interpreted their words, and originally wrote the story as a play. The visual aspects of the story however worked better as a comic book, so he adapted it and found artist Andre Siregar to bring it to life.

Check out the Kickstarter campaign for some great rewards for backers!

Re: Do you want to live forever?

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:09 pm
by sbriggman
Congrats on being successfully funded!