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ROAR - Short Film

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:37 pm
by stuartlangfield
Hi guys

First time posting here, seems like a really great resource!.

We're creating a short film called ROAR, it's a 10 minute supernatural drama.

Our Kickstarter launched two days ago, We've hit 1/3rd of our target in the first couple of days so a good start, still a long way to go though. I'd love it if you could check it out: ... short-film

Stuart Langfield

Re: ROAR - Short Film

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:55 pm
by sbriggman
That's really good progress :). How did you manage to line up 1/3 in the first few days?

Out of curiosity, why did you choose Kickstarter over Fundrazr?

I usually point new users to this promo (If you contribute to my Kickstarter and tweet your contribution, I will contribute to your Kickstarter. I WILL MATCH THE FIRST $50 IN BACKERS.) i-have-50-to-back-kickstarter-projects-t1620.html

Re: ROAR - Short Film

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:59 pm
by stuartlangfield
Thanks!, we're pleased with the progress, still a long way to go though!

We've been pretty reliant on our networks at this stage. Reaching out to friends, family and colleagues has been a huge part of our focus, and we've had a really great response so far. The key for us now is to start getting some traction on sites and blogs that have some relation to our film, hopefully opening up our campaign to a wider audience.

We chose Kickstarter because it has a strong reputation with film projects now, you only need to look at the 'film & video' category which has over 32,000 campaigns, or this years Sundance listings, to see how widely used it's becoming within the community.

Re: ROAR - Short Film

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:49 pm
by sbriggman
Cool! Seems like you guys have a good strategy. Look forward to following the progress of your campaign :).

If you're interested, users on the forum have put together a few promos I've included below:
- I Have $50 to Back Kickstarter Projects: i-have-50-to-back-kickstarter-projects-t1620.html
- Will give Kickstarter feedback in exchange for feedback: will-give-kickstarter-feedback-in-exchange-for-feedback-t1621.html

Re: ROAR - Short Film

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:31 pm
by stuartlangfield
Thanks for the links.

Yeh, we hit 55% of our target in our first week which we're really happy with. Hoping we can continue some momentum into our second week.