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Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:17 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I work at a electronics super store, we have 300 employees. The foot traffic is insane. I speak to about 40 people on an average weekend and about 60 on the weekends. Only one person that I spoke to and asked if they have ever heard of crowdfunding or Kickstarter has said yes, they know the concept.

On Google+ I discovered >>>>

Check it out and decided for yourself if you would like to join in on the fun and submit your video.

What resonated with me is his use of shark tank "without the bite" in his description.

When speaking to my customers, I invariably say," Think of it like this: It is like Shark Tank, but instead of Mark Cuban and Damon John, you are pitching to Joe Smith and Jane Brown and the rest of the world. You are trying to get funding from 1,000 backers pledging around $25 not one or two funding you with $25,000"

I do not know how well this venture will do, things are moving at a break neck speed already in 2014, and Month One has yet to close. With in beta and now this new avenue for visibility, I feel our industry will be vastly expanded and maybe very different this time in 2015. . . hopefully for the better!

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:25 pm
by sbriggman
I've heard of these guys. It's an interesting idea. Thanks for sharing it on the forum so that people can submit their video :)!

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:25 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I thought it had potential!

I still would love to see a documentary, like a shortened Hoop Dreams, where 5 or 6 campaigns were chosen and we followed the ups and downs of their lives and saw how each handled the stress. It would be cool of it was filmedn as it happened, so the director did not know who would find funding.

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:33 am
by realitycrowdtv
Thanks for giving us some exposure Gentleman! Would love to see some people submit some videos. Also, would love to answer any questions as well.

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:56 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
You deserve it Manolis!! I will respond to your email tonight. I am sorry for the confusion. My actual name is Ulysses. On Google I used Gaius Gracchus beause the Gracchi brothers are some of my favorite Romans from the Republic era. My handles (and why I just use my first name) are because I have a memorable name and sometimes it is good to hide from crazy ex girlfriends who stalk you on social media!!!!

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:35 pm
by realitycrowdtv
Hahah! Funny story about ex-girlfriends. After I quit my job on Christmas Eve to pursue this reality TV show around the crowdfunding movement, I need a quick cash infusion. Long story short, I sold 50% of my rental property to an ex-girlfriend.....enough!

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:31 pm
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
That is what I call a descent return on an investment!! Lol!

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:34 pm
by roymorejon
Manolis is certainly on to something here, and we hope to help along the way!

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:43 pm
by realitycrowdtv
@Uly: Indeed it is!

@roymorejon: Thank you for the kind words Roy.

It is time that #crowdfunding becomes more popular than #kimkardashian.

Re: Reality Crowd Tv

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:03 am
by sbriggman
@realitycrowdtv - Let me know how I can help. Will reply to your email tomorrow.