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Launch of Kickstarter Campaign for Psychonaut Issue 1 Comic

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:36 am
by kkuder
Hi, guys, first time here. My name is Kevin Kuder and I have a campaign up for my first comic, Psychonaut. I'm very excited about this project and you can see the campaign at:

I'd appreciate it if you guys could check it out. Thanks!



Re: Launch of Kickstarter Campaign for Psychonaut Issue 1 Co

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:38 pm
by sbriggman
Looks like a well put together story and realistic goal. Congrats on raising almost 1/3 so far. Let me know if there are any questions about crowdfunding that I can help answer.

If you haven't already, would recommend checking out this promo another user is doing on the forum (to attract more backers) - i-will-pay-2-to-your-kickstarter-project-t1511.html

Re: Launch of Kickstarter Campaign for Psychonaut Issue 1 Co

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:40 pm
by kkuder
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, it seems like the first third is easy, it's that last two-thirds I am worried about. I guess the only question I would ask is how, once you have exhausted all of your contacts and social networked the hell out of the project and posted to blogs, etc., how do you find new people/sites to get to your kickstarter and contribute?

Re: Launch of Kickstarter Campaign for Psychonaut Issue 1 Co

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:19 am
by sbriggman
First, have you checked out these two articles yet (comic book creators providing tips)?
- ... mic-books/
- ... -campaign/

Second, could you expand on what you said regarding posting to blogs?