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A Kickstarter project where I'll draw your dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:36 am
by vesssel
Hey guys,

I'd like to share with you a Kickstarter campaign I've just launched, called The Dream Complex. In a nutshell, I will draw the dreams of my backers. I aim to create a visual archive of dreams from people all over the world. The data I collect from this project will hopefully lead to some interesting insights about the way we dream, and how our minds work in relation to memory and imagery.

A link to the project -

I hope you find this project as exciting as I do and will give it a shoutout! The more people participate, the more interesting and diverse the final product will be.


Re: A Kickstarter project where I'll draw your dreams

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:33 pm
by sbriggman
Neat concept. I really like it and it's a cool way to showcase your artistic ability and involve backers.

It seems like you're doing good so far in terms of pledge growth over time based on KickTraq analytics. Have you considered appearing in the video? I feel like this would strengthen the project.