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Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Jan 2

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:54 pm
by QT Games
Happy Holidays everyone!

My name is Bob Whitely. I'm the owner and Creative Director at QT Games LLC. As the thread states, we've been putting together a Kickstarter Campaign for the past 6 months and it finally launches Jan 2nd!

All of our stories are based on the Cosmoverse, the official campaign setting of our Cosmothea Blended-Genre Roleplaying Game. I've been writing stories about the Cosmoverse and have been developing the rpg (we're on our 5th major overhaul) and have been running adventures in our setting using the Cosmothea game engine for over 34 years now.

I've poured a lot of money into providing imagery for the Cosmoverse and have brought on several writers, but we do not have enough funds to publish the roleplaying game and campaign setting. As I am also a writer and desire to publish fiction for the setting, we decided to launch with our line of fiction first, then pursue the RPG and Cosmoverse.

If you would be so kind, please check out our Kickstarter page and let me know if you see any issues. I'd appreciate your feedback, and if you love reading blended-genre stories and/or enjoy pen and paper roleplaying games, I'd appreciate your support when we launch too! If that is not an option, but you like what we're doing, then I'd sure appreciate spreading the word. We are a startup company with a big dream, but we've been doing our homework and are working our tails off to do this right.

We've got some great rewards, including some exclusive content, and if we can get our Stretch Goal funded for Divine Synthesis, you'll be seeing even more cool stories, by the likes of talented writers like Ed Greenwood, Darrin Drader, Steven Schend and others who like what we're doing and have jumped on board to write stories for the Cosmoverse.

Thanks much and have a safe, fun New Years!
Bob Whitely
QT Games
QT Games Blog

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:22 pm
by sbriggman
That's exciting! Would recommend checking out this thread when you launch to drum up some initial backers: i-ll-pay-2-to-your-crowd-funding-project-t1448.html

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:35 pm
by QT Games
Thanks, Salvador.

I've been following along with several of your crowdfunding resources online for the past few months, and appreciate your trying to help people out by providing some neat tools and places to chat about creative projects. I'll check out that link!

Thanks again and take care!

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:21 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I am having a nerdgasm right now! I have to get up at 4:30 to be at work by 5:30 and should be IN BED SLEEPING AND OFFLINE but I promised myself to only
view one more post on the forum then I fell into your universe!
Please, post the night before launch to remind us to back!!!

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:44 am
by QT Games
Hi Ulysses,

Will do, and sorry to keep you up! I hope you get some good sleep!

I've been staying up a bit too late myself these days, with so much going on. Well, have an awesome New Years my friend!

Hopefully 2014 will be a good year for all of us trying to get Kickstarters off and running!

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:46 pm
by sbriggman
Definitely excited for 2014. I have this idea I will be testing out where creators (mainly artists/photographers) can submit images that I will use on my blog and credit them - rather than using something like Shuttershock or google images. Could help send them some traffic for their upcoming campaign.

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:20 pm
by QT Games
Hi Salvador,

That sounds like an interesting idea. The manner in which you select to use the images (their exact purpose in your blog, proper labeling of pictures and such) would be a factor. And of course, while artists and photographers are the most common types to have such original, useable images, you'll likely want the language of such an endeavor to include others who may not be artists or photographers, as long as they still meet the criteria.

For example, while I am a pro artist, I am also the Creative Director for QT Games, a writer and the lead game designer and so am often too busy to do that much art for our Kickstarter project and company projects, but I still own copyrights on a good amount of artwork painted exclusively for QT Games. But again, it all comes down to how you approach such an endeavor.

I definitely think more can be done to help Creators and to help unite Creators so that maybe somehow they can help each other out even more. I've seen some nice progress on various fronts and hopefully in the days ahead, we'll see even more creative, useful efforts to make Kickstarter campaigns and other crowdfunding efforts more likely to succeed, which benefits all.

I wish you the best in 2014, Salvador, and all the rest of you. Good luck with your campaigns in 2014!

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:51 pm
by sbriggman
@QT Games - Thank you for your thoughts! Good points. I would probably use them to illustrate emotions/points in the actual article, or as a thumbnail.

Example article with images: ... checklist/

I'll probably test it out at some point in the new year. Thanks for your insights.

Yes, I definitely agree with you. Most creators are busy creating so I'm working on making new ways they can easily help each other out. Let me know if you have any ideas as to what would be helpful for you.

Have a good new year!


Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:26 pm
by QT Games
Thanks, Sal. Will do. I am a member in several of the same locations as you and post here and there, so unfortunately, sometimes I forget where a post was made (yours or mine), but I do think creators need to stand together and see how they can help each other out. I have very little money, having been laid off in January, but I do a little freelancing here and there and I'm still backing projects. I've backed around 7 since launching my own campaign (and backed several before that), and have more I'd like to back as I can get the money. Mind you this is from a person with little money (and I'm not just backing 'em all for a dollar either). And if I can make an impact (and I often share links too), and I have so little money (I'm far, far more likely to back someone than to eat out), then a huge number of other people can afford to back a bunch of projects too, I figure.

We just need to see the value in investing in people. Not only is it the humanitarian thing to do, but it's fun too! Backing someone's dreams rock! I hope more people will jump on board with helping. It doesn't have to be helping me, but we can change the world with a little money from a lot of people!

Re: Arcane Synthesis: A Blended-Genre Anthology Kicks off Ja

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:56 pm
by sbriggman
Sorry to hear you were laid off. What kind of freelancing?

Let me know if I can help you in some way with the forum. I'm usually pretty open to promotional ideas, as long as the creator is willing to do something (give feedback, back someone, follow someone on twitter, etc.). Has to be give and take. Also, my LinkedIn address book is pretty open if you would like to be introduced to someone. (in/briggman).