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I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:18 am
by VaporStarter
... but there is a catch.

I'll back you for $1 and will tweet that I've backed you. But you must first back a campaign of my choosing for at least $1 and tweet @VaporStarter that you've backed it (include my project link).

December's campaign is for Kickstarter Forum's user UnfiniteHorizonsUly, campaign "Infinite Horizons: Limited Edition Fantasy Art Giclees". Kickstarter link:

Also, once you back the project come post here telling us you've done so, and include a link to your project so we can all take a look and tell you how awesome you are for being part of a community geared toward helping each other.

I'll then back your project & tweet within 24hrs. (most likely MUCH sooner).

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:00 am
by Lionhart
Nice idea. I like the artwork, happy to throw a dollar their way.

Here's mine. ... m?ref=live

Sorry I don't have many twitter followers. tweeted as Pigeon Tree

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:57 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
Falling asleep, but had to say that you just made the past 12 hours I went through worth it, because I made it to your post.
Thank you from the bottom, the top and the sides of my heart!

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 5:07 pm
by sbriggman
This is awesome Vaporstarter. Great idea as a way to engage the community. I'll start promoting this opportunity :).


Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:17 pm
by seeingreen
Hey Vaporstarter,

I think this is a great idea. I see you already backed my kickstarter project anyway, but I like your idea of supporting each other so I went ahead and backed Infinite Horizons anyway. Ulysses your artwork is amazing, and congrats on passing your project goal so early.

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:28 pm
by Lionhart
Thank you for this VaporStarter!

I'm really glad you ended up liking my project enough to back it for an actual reward. MANY THANKS!!! And I took your suggestions to heart. Wishing you Happy Holidays.

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:18 am
by kneyrus
Great idea! Just backed and tweeted you. Please support this great project

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:56 am
by collectivekh
Hi Vaporstarter,

The artwork was excellent. Glad to lend a dollar to the project.

My novel "The Collective" is at: ... tic-journe

I tweeted from @Collective_kh


Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:13 pm
by VaporStarter
Thanks everyone! I think this has been going very well and I appreciate everyone who has jumped in! This forums is all about project creators learning and helping each. I'm really glad to see those who are will to take that extra bit of effort to work together. I suggest we all take a closer look at everyone on here who has pledged and see what we can do you help out.

Re: I'll back your Kickstarter project!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:46 pm
by guardanis
Stumbled in here from the depths of the interwebs and thought that was some really cool artwork! We backed the project, and it's awesome to see a community of people coming together to help each other build their dreams!

I also tweeted from @Guardanis and you can see what we're trying to do from: ... rpe-noctem

We really hope you guys like it! But happy holidays and good luck to everyone!

PS. Seriously, though. That was some cool artwork.