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Let's Help This Campaign!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:47 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I am not sure if I am supposed to do this, but I will beg for forgiveness later!
I found this::::::~~~>>>> AWESOME campaign! I am trying to move money around to back her, but the least I can do now is share "Northern Nights" with all of you!

Sometimes, I just drift on the KS Sea and let the currents take me where they will. . . and I found her campaign.
I love the art. Sometimes a certain--there are no words for taste. Define why you like your favorite meal beyond taste descriptions. Why do you like pizza--other then saying, "it tastes good."

What is good taste?

As creators--either creating a new business from scratch, or write a one man play about a talking fire hydrant--we all know the fear of WHAT IF I RUN OUT OF IDEAS! WHAT IF I LOSE MY PASSION OR DRIVE! Anyone who rips off the blank canvass of the Void that exists before us every second AMAZES ME.

She only has a few days left. IT TAKES HER 7 HOURS TO GO GET A GICLEE PRINT! I got mad when a scheister printer charged me $50 for one 16x20 and I had to drive from North County to downtown San Diego. Imagine the cost of fuel--just to go get a print made! [i]That is determination![/i]

Passion.Belief. Action. *There are many things I do not like about my job as a furniture sales person. But one thing I LOVE is my sales manager. I learn something new from her every day. Those three things, she says, will allow most people to succeed in any venture they have the guts to pursue. I was made to move (long story)to her store, but the first sales meeting I knew I had found another Angel Mentor in my life. This is a direct quote. It matters not that it was about selling furniture. We do not sell furniture. We talk to strangers--who often hate us--who want to buy furniture but need information. Most of the time we just have to get out of the way and let them land on something they love>tell them how it is made, then write the order.
*sorry, :mrgreen: , went off on another Uly tangent*

She said,"We are Masters of our own Universe, we are all magical people."

I am trying to move money around to back her, but the least I can do now is share "Northern Nights" with all of you!

Re: Let's Help This Campaign!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:17 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly


I just copy/pasted her update on KS below:Update #1 Dec 14, 2013
91% WOW!
Comment Liked 3 likes
Thank you sooo much to everyone who has backed my project so far! We hit 91% with five days to go. Thank you so much for your faith in my work and the love in your hearts. I have been busy continuing to create paintings in the series and have been steady with comissions. I have set up an area in my studio for the printer and the production of prints, the cards arrived a couple of weeks ago and I am itching to start work on the commisions for backer rewards. Thank you again for your support!

Now she can buy her giclee printer (ok, can I admit I am :mrgreen: ?)
Can I admit I had to bribe Griffin with treats so I could lovingly caress the smooth surface of the Epson 3880.
That I sometimes draw a plaque to place on the Epson 3880 in my mind?
But, I am a 8 minute drive from a giclee printer and she is 7 hours. Now, because of the miracle of crowd funding, another dreamer is transformed into another doer!!
I am so happy for her!!