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way over my head with my Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:42 am
by Shalomkj
Hi, my name is Shalom and I need help. I put up a kickstarter campaign ... e_location and was full of excitement until I realized that me being an unknown artist my project will probably not get any pledges or views. I need tips and ideas on how to get my project for others to see and support before the campaign ends. All help would be greatly appreciated.

I thought my main stress was done once I put up my campaign but now I understand that I have a lot more work to do.

Re: way over my head with my Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:45 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
well, shalom my new friend Shalom! ;)

First off I did not know what Kickstarter was other than thinking it was a place that the Veronica Mars producers, or Zack Braff found money to make indie films, so take any advice I have with a grain of salt.

If you buckle down, refuse to quit and keep going for the next 29 days, you will find that KS and crowd funding general is a way of life, not a place to market and make money online.

It teaches you the metrics of social media marketing--and that (as I have learned so painfully) is not increasingly desperate pleas to "back my project, only 7 days left!"
I would do two things.

1. Study, study study. Sbrigg runs a web platform that I found in my early days (oh, the early days of yore. . .way back in the fabled month of October in the year 2013!) called, >> just open up a bunch of tabs and read. Also, mine this forum until your eyes are blurry. Try to learn from others mistakes (such as mine) and not duplicate them--also, find projects that seem to be in the same headspace (creator setting same goal, similar style, etc) and see if you can make changes quickly that help, not hurt. Don't make my mistakes and flood the main page with changes as the days turn into weeks. Use Updates like a blog. That is where the onion layers are peeled away.
2. Do not cancel funding. I know many may disagree. I know I am a newbie and I said, take my advice with a grain of salt. But, no matte what happens--let the project live the life you created for it--let it breathe. It will always be there (or, until KS decides to cull all of the curated projects) as a place for others to study. Also, it will always be there for you to find. You may stumble upon it years later and gaze through the project like an old journal you found, dusty and forgotten, beneath your bed.

I will tweet out your project and mention you on FB. This may not help much, but the name of the game with crowd funding is EXPOSURE and sometimes--like in the job that keeps the lights on: furniture sales, it sometimes it just takes one.


Re: way over my head with my Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:21 pm
by sbriggman
Thanks for the mention @infinite

Are you a member of any graphic novel enthusiasts forms or groups? There is also this new guest posting opportunity I'm testing out with crowdfundingpr and one of their websites is comic related (it's free). ... iche-blog/

Most of my tips are on
