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Please help me finish my movie!

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:43 pm
by Royce
I was wondering if you would help me share my story. My friends and I set a challenge for ourselves to make a movie with no budget and without having to rely on outside financing. This was a result of a previous film's financier bailing only weeks before production began. Good news is we did it! While we rose to the occasion, we learned a lot and saw how impactful independent production can be. The story of how we managed to crawl to the finish line is one for the books.

Now we are trying to get some finishing funds in hopes of self distributing our picture. If there is anyway you can help by sharing this with your friends I would really appreciate it.

Thank you
Royce DOrazio
"Just Like Starting Over"

Re: Please help me finish my movie!

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:39 am
by VaporStarter
Looks pretty good. Would be nice to see a slightly longer trailer.