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Fund The Evenarian, an epic fantasy novel

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:09 pm
by The_Evenarian
Hi everyone,

I am running a Kickstarter to fund the publication of my original fantasy novel, The Evenarian.


The manuscript is finished and professionally copy-edited. Now comes the next hurdle: finding an agent to represent the book. This is harder than it sounds. Since most publishers no longer accept manuscripts directly from authors, today's ambitious author must go through a literary agent. But that means the dreaded “slush pile” has simply moved from the publisher's mailroom to the agent's inbox.

How can an author cut through the clutter and make their book stand out? Simple: by working with a literary consultant to make their agent submission package as professional, polished and attractive as possible. The aim of this Kickstarter is to raise funds to hire such a consultant and take The Evenarian to the next level!

You can get more info on the book's story on the project page.

Re: Fund The Evenarian, an epic fantasy novel

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:09 pm
by sbriggman
Cool images. Out of curiosity why did you choose a 15 day campaign?