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KICKSTARTER PROJECT: Bring KOOB The Viking Game to America!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:58 pm
by MollenLiving
Hi, I’m Maja. I've just launched a Kickstarter project as I want to make my game KOOB The Viking Game available in the US.

KOOB is a fun outdoor game which is very popular in Scandinavia. I grew up playing this game with family and friends in my native Denmark and a couple of years ago I decided to launch the game in Canada. Since the game's launch I've had lots of people asking me to send a set to a US address. Until now I have had to turn down these requests because all games sold in the US need to be certified by a third party testing company before being imported. Certification is expensive which is why I started this project. I need to raise enough money to put the game through the required testing and certification.

I hope that you will take a look at the project and help me spread the word

Thank you in advance :)