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Building brew house in basement ( long term build) and would love opinions

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:14 pm
by charli55
I am in the process of building a brew house in my basement. I’m curious on how much feed back I will get on how to do this with a min. amount of cash involved. If responses are good, then I will start adding pics with my ideas to and see on what others suggestions would be. Right now main concerns is ventilation and position of everything. With the set up I have started I can move things around as I build.
As of right now, I brew outside on propane, and ferment, bottle/keg in the basement.

Re: Building brew house in basement ( long term build) and would love opinions

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:19 pm
by Eshfor
Well, listen to me

Re: Building brew house in basement ( long term build) and would love opinions

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:19 pm
by Nsleveror
You have a great idea. I wish you good luck, friend. However, I can't advise you anything because I involved other people when building and designing my house. I just managed the finances and oversaw the work. And you have no idea how difficult it is now to find highly qualified workers in our time. It is some nonsense. Since I am a perfectionist, I decided before looking for specialists to look on the Internet what questions builders should ask to find out how well they know their business. Well, I was lucky; I came across this site, which helped me find high-class workers. Next time, if something is to be built or done in my house, I will do it myself, because I gave a lot of energy and nerves to search for personnel.