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Medical marijuana

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 8:56 am
by dangarang
I just took 1 mg of thc oil and the strangest thing is happening. About 4 hours ago I took this stuff and when my husband came home from work around 8 pm I was able to talk to him like normal ,(weird, there was no judgment no fear, anger, sadness or anxiety), however my mouth was dry, dry eyes too, brain fog, heart race, reeved up, ringing ears - but no feeling. Is that the way normal feel like? Nothing... Pretty boring and robotic, almost like two opposite ends of a spectrum.

Re: Medical marijuana

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 8:57 am
by Rebelif
The only remarkable thing about marijuana is that it's legal. Marijuana is one of the most effective appetite stimulants known. Increasing your hunger is an efficient way to gain weight. And because marijuana is fat-soluble, it compounds the effect. For me, the best marijuana effect is after you it food made from it. You should try if you are going to Amsterdam because only there you will find all kinds of food with marijuana. You can read the article from to understand better where to go.