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How to get my fashion show emblem?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:39 pm
by charli55
I was one of the winners of the most recent fashion show contest and was wondering how long it takes for the emblem to be sent out.

Re: How to get my fashion show emblem?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:47 pm
by Jakondama
I would create the desired list of the kind of brands you would like to feature in your show, then put together an email pitch outlining the benefits of participating in your presentation. In my experience, some more established brands may want to know who else will be showcasing before they commit to ensuring they complement their brand, i.e., an established couture designer may not necessarily want to showcase their collection alongside a new streetwear brand and vice versa. My partner and I design as a team. We draw initial sketches by hand in pencil or pen. These drawings can be very rough. Then, we discuss the fabric to be used, construction details, and the textile designs. Our inspiration we founded on the website