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First Kickstarter project online! But help?

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:09 pm
by LevKoos
Hi everyone, my name is Lev.

I am the guitarist and second vocalist of a band called Mind Gear, but I have a problem:

We just published our first Kickstarter project ever, we worked on it very very hard for 6 months and we made the video and all the graphics by ourselves. Even for our songs, our singer makes the mixing and mastering because we are an independent band without a music label. And same for our website, our bass player is good at coding so he made it (if you want to check: ).

Now, we think that our project is quite well done, but there are not many backers and we feel like we are doing something wrong but we don't understand what! Maybe not enough promotion?
Can you guys check it out and tell me your feedback?

This is the link to the project: ... y_category

Thank you guys for your attention.

Re: First Kickstarter project online! But help?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:35 pm
by kdmerritt510
For starters, your kickstarter page looks wonderful! I am new to Kickstarter (starting my first campaign next week), and the only issue I see is perhaps the page is a bit lengthy? There are so many cool photos that I think really do the campaign justice, but I wonder if sheer amount of photos/length is doing it a bit of a disservice?

A lot of the recommendations I have found as well have been to ask family/close friends directly! That way you can tap into their support as well!

Re: First Kickstarter project online! But help?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:30 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.