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Jumping Spider: A game about a jumping spider

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:08 pm
by eclecto
Hi everyone,

Just went live a matter of hours ago: ... ing-spider

Eager to hear any critiques about my project and to stick around for reasons other than to post that link.

Re: Jumping Spider: A game about a jumping spider

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:02 pm
by sbriggman
That smiley face creeped me out lol. With regards to feedback, I like the concept of the game and would love to play it while going to work on the subway. I was excited for an iphone app, but seems like it's pc/mac mainly? I was confused about this.

Re: Jumping Spider: A game about a jumping spider

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:23 pm
by eclecto
I actually kind of envision it as touchscreen targeted and was originally considering going only mobile, but because I can deploy to desktops just as easily and I haven't seen a lot of purely mobile apps doing well on Kickstarter I decided to do both.

That's good feedback, though. I'll tweak the wording on the KS page to make it clearer that the game is for both mobile and desktop.

The demos are desktop-only at the moment because you need an Apple developer's license to digitally sign an app so it will actually play on an iOS device. Quite frankly, that license costs more than my current bank account balance. It'll be one of the first purchases I make if I get funded, though.

But now that you get me thinking about it, I don't think Android devices have that requirement. I'll see if I can get an Android demo up; it'll at least show mobile compatibility.

Re: Jumping Spider: A game about a jumping spider

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:16 pm
by sbriggman
Yea, android apps have a much lower barrier to entry (also more competition though). Let me know if you need any help getting it on the android platform. I work with a company that does android apps.