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AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:02 pm
by MrOsborne
Note: both versions of the dedicated server are currently considered beta versions of the software. The information here and in the user's guide, as well as the functions and operation of the server application/Addons may be changed. Only the Windows version of the linux build currently needs to be ready in time for V1.0 or AMS2.

Automobilista 2 has a companion dedicated server distribution that can be installed without the need for a machine running on the server to have an account with a full game license. The app is lightweight and allows you to configure events and track rotations, etc.that can be enforced on the server, as well as being able to work on the server as a repeater to reduce the bandwidth requirements of client-controlled gaming sessions.

There is no benefit in running a dedicated server on the same machine as the game client if you are present when the event starts.

A complete user guide is included in the installation and is also attached to this message.

Installation via the Steam client

To install via the standard steam desktop client, find the entry in the library Tools section if you are using an account that owns AMS2/AMS2Beta, or open the link below on the machine you want to install on in your browser, or " start > Perform".

steam: / / install/1338040 (release)
steam: / / install / 1338240 (beta version)

The tool will be specified in the library if the tools filter is enabled

Installation via SteamCMD

Valve provides users with the SteamCMD tool as a means to install, update, and validate games from the command line without needing to use the standard Steam desktop client, making It ideal for use in server installations. It has many advantages, including the ability to create scripts, allowing you to automate the process and not be limited to one installation of each appid as the main desktop client.

Full documentation for SteamCMD is available in the Valve wiki: SteamCMD-Valve Developer Community

You can install a dedicated server using anonymous login.

Quick Start Of SteamCMD

This message is accompanied by a quick start zip file containing the steamcmd binary and update scripts for a single installation of each of the beta versions and release variants of the dedicated server. Just unpack the files you want to install the dedicated server in and run the batch file for the option you want to install. The dedicated server application will be set to ' ams2_release_dedicated 'or' ams2_beta_dedicated', depending on the circumstances.

Run the script again at any time to update it to the latest version.

Note 1: when you first run the script, SteamCMD will update and download any files it requires from steam before installing the app.

Note 2: any default file can be overwritten during an update, please make copies of sample configurations, etc. before editing if you want them to be saved between updates.

Re: AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:25 pm
by charli55
there is or will be a "-selected " option for dedicated servers.
You can use this PS2 option to create a host session, and after clicking start, a list of dedicated servers will appear that will be selected to host this session.

Re: AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:33 pm
by TomSands
Dedicated servers are really good and improve the experience.

Re: AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:39 pm
by Emad785
Thank you a lot for this instruction on how to set it up. I have just gotten a new bare metal server and I know that it is really good, but I had some problems setting up Steam. This has been really helpful. You cannot imagine my luck when I saw that on GTHost you can get a really good dedicated server for really cheap. I was so excited to get it and they even offer better components and speed than many other companies that are much more expensive. The best thing is that when you don't have to pay some hidden fees like most of today's companies do, you know what you are buying and how much to pay from the start. It is great that we have offers like this now.

Re: AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:50 am
by willitrue
Dedicated hosting is the plan of choice if you need the most power for your money. However, as you'd expect, the downside is cost and some companies run-up to three-figures per month. Fortunately, by the time your website needs one to handle its traffic, it may very well be worth it. Moreover, I can advise using virtual servers from intergrid company, that make your sites to go faster and you don't have problems with customers. I work with them for some years and I am very satisfied with their service.

Re: AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:52 am
by Marigioshi
That's interesting!

Re: AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:01 am
by Pullmaney
Thank you for this comprehensive information. I find it very useful. I want to touch on the subject of the beta version of the software because I feel like there might be some confusion about this. The alpha version of the software is an early version of a program or application, typically unstable, but useful to show what the product will do. Sometimes this stage is referred to as a preview version. The beta version of the software is the next step in the development of software, meaning that the app is being tested by a larger group of people. You can have a cheap rdp or an expensive rdp, but the reality is that if the version and the features of the software are supported by the rdp, you'll be fine.