Sniper weapon sight/any hunters out there?
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:53 pm
Need suggestions for sniper weapon sight
I am a hunter. I hunt deer… moose… grouse… rabbit… elk… and one day when i get the right oppertunity… a bear. Not sure what the rules are about those kinda pics here, but just wanted to see how many ppl here share the same enjoyment of the outdoors as myself.
I hunt to eat… not trophies (a nice rack is a bonus tho) and have taught my 20yo daughter to hunt as well as my 14yo son. (Crazy im only 39 and my daughter is just a few months from 20 and looks very similar to Jennifer lawrence and is also a martial artist… in other words a real life “katnis”). We take multiple trips a year to try and fill our freezer with organic meat to avoid steroids and hormones in the store bought stuff.
This year unfortunately the large game eluded us and my son shot 40 snow shoe hares.
If you hunt… how was your season? Mines over… ended dec.11th
I am a hunter. I hunt deer… moose… grouse… rabbit… elk… and one day when i get the right oppertunity… a bear. Not sure what the rules are about those kinda pics here, but just wanted to see how many ppl here share the same enjoyment of the outdoors as myself.
I hunt to eat… not trophies (a nice rack is a bonus tho) and have taught my 20yo daughter to hunt as well as my 14yo son. (Crazy im only 39 and my daughter is just a few months from 20 and looks very similar to Jennifer lawrence and is also a martial artist… in other words a real life “katnis”). We take multiple trips a year to try and fill our freezer with organic meat to avoid steroids and hormones in the store bought stuff.
This year unfortunately the large game eluded us and my son shot 40 snow shoe hares.
If you hunt… how was your season? Mines over… ended dec.11th