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First videogame I backed. What do you think about this?

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:07 pm
by Leo
I just backed this videogame called Tower Raiders on Kickstarter. I never backed a videogame before but this made me feel quite possitive about it.

What do you think about it? I hope you like it and help them get their goal. I'm willing to play to it. :D ... ref=5goo7p


Re: First videogame I backed. What do you think about this?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:46 pm
by kwmlr439
It looks like a fun game but unfortunately, it didn't get enough traction to get funded. You still have 19 days to go! And since this is your first campaign, I suggest that engage with other game creators and learn from them; you also need to engage with the community and back some projects as well. Good luck.

Re: First videogame I backed. What do you think about this?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:28 pm
by millioncrowdfunding
It seems a very promising game!

Re: First videogame I backed. What do you think about this?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:25 am
by deliacumm
I still prefer playing outdoor sports rather than being locked up in front of the screen.

Re: First videogame I backed. What do you think about this?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:05 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.