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Make a difference

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 10:03 pm
by TwinHelp
There are newborn twins in Louisville Ky named Michael III ans Willow. They were born on May 3rd 2020. This pandemic has snuffed our their light of comfortableness. It is a very unfortunate event. Their parents are out of work Due to Covid 19 and they are struggling to get essentials needed for these angels. Luckily you can help. We have started a Gofundme campaign and lately donations have all but stopped and they need so much more. In these times of tradgedy please help this story have a happy ending. Thanks and God Bless

Re: Make a difference

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:12 am
by joelcas
Wow, such touching. Indeed, at least we can help.