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Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:29 am
by videojaguar
Kickstarter has definitely changed a lot since 2012. I remember back in the early days it was a great platform to get mass exposure for free, but that seems to be far from the case today.

The Kickstarter of today is now filled with endless amounts of projects that flood the site, some good and most not so good, which makes it harder for the good ones to stand out.

We're testing this theory at the moment by offering a crazy good lifetime license deal and seeing how well it does with absolutely no promotion to the Kickstarter offer itself. It's exactly as we thought - Kickstarter is not the same platform as it once was, where you could post a project and it would naturally gain traction from within the site. Now you basically have to do a full-on marketing campaign to promote the Kickstarter deal, which leaves the glaring question of why would you promote your company's Kickstarter page instead of promoting your actual website? I mean if you are going to spend the time & money on a full-on marketing campaign, then you might as well be boosting your actual website traffic and reap some SEO benefits along the way as well.

I suppose Kickstarter is still beneficial for people who are still in the idea stage and looking to raise money for things like their own website, building out their product, etc, but for businesses that are already out of the idea stage and looking to just gain exposure by offering a great deal, then Kickstarter seems to not be the medium that it used to be for this.

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:21 am
by karen62
Thank you for posting your experience and assessment - very helpful for a newbie just starting to sort out the various platforms.
As I was reading, I was thinking exactly what you ended up saying - why not do that work to promote your own site?

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:45 am
by Elivy
But isn't it a good thing that there are so many projects now? I mean... I wish I lived back in a day then you invent a glass bottle for ketchup and you are set for life just because there is no one else out there. I don't think it's Kickstarter's fault, but rather normality of our current age.

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:59 pm
by billiejewel
Yes! It is so hard to be seen in the sea of projects.

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:20 am
by nomlinz
I also agree with the belief that's a matter of competition. More people are using crowdfunding as a way to launch their projects, and with more people with more ideas, comes more competition.

This can create a feeling of being lost in a sea of project, and yes, there are a lot of projects being launched without being truly ready. But mostly this competition has created a need for better marketing campaigns to get a project to stand out. I don't think is Kickstarter's fault, but just the natural flow of things as crowdfunding grows each year.

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:05 pm
by Jody Tidwell
I've only been on Kickstarter for a couple of years watching successful campaigns and supporting a couple. We've been developing our game for about 4 1/2 years and learning the details on every aspect.

Kickstarter has changed- it seemed that a few years ago you could put a project that was just developing up and get funding. Now it seems the project (at least in card games) needs to be fully developed, reviewed, tested, and have good graphics already complete. That is one reason why we took some time to get ready for our launch.

Our project is Break-A-Leg and is currently live. It's a pick and pass card game with some fun twists and turns. Theatre based and a little educational along the way.

Take a peak!

thanks! Jody

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:16 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:48 pm
by Simon3
I agree, it's much more difficult to reach visibility in a jungle of projects, many of which are created from big companies that pay a lot of money in advertising, marketing, ecc. To professional agencies.
Currently little creatives with low budget have low chances
and this is totally opposed to the early principle of crowdfunding, I hope that in future something will change for little creators.

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:28 pm
by drewsongpoetry
Honestly, your assessment is true. I still hope to succeed though-- I would love any support that can be given to my own project because I don't think many people have checked it out! :) ... y_category

Re: Kickstarter Isn't What It Used To Be

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:28 pm
by KateCaven
I have just joined this forum and it's great to read posts like this.

I have recently lauched a kickstarter 'We Are Makers' that showcases makers from all over the globe. It is a publication with 80+ makers & 200+ pages. Since Kickstarter is a worldwide platform I thought this would be the best platform for a project such as this, however, I actually don't know how people find projects like ours - even with a project we love. ... ublication