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Short Campaign 18 days

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:07 pm
by Eric Lee

I am totally new here and I realized that in order for me to fulfill my "Early Backer's to Receive by Christmas" I have to run a very short campaign.

I do prefer 30 days so I can do more marketing and testing on social media and analytics.

So in 18 days, what is the best strategy for me to:

1. Get Traction
2. Increase Pledge
3. Hit My Goals
4. Stretch Goals.

I do believe stretch goals will only come into consideration when i am like 150% funded or something.

Re: Short Campaign 18 days

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:58 pm
by hyperstarter
Hit your Goal > Get Traction (Through increased pledges) > offer Stretch Goals

S$133 raised with only 3 backers is probably not the time to think of stretch goals.

My advice is hit up your own network (friends, family etc.,) to get them to at help you reach your low goal...

Re: Short Campaign 18 days

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:10 am
by ohbugi

We had the exact same problem. We planned to launch a 30 day campaign but didn't account for the time Kickstarter takes to approve a project so we were forced to end it in 23 days to be able to deliver in 2018.

We had a great first day (yesterday) but it died down quite a bit today. We're so dang close to our goal and we think our stretch goals will take us far if we just manage to reach them!

Re: Short Campaign 18 days

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:24 pm
by angelinajoseph
Promote your campaign with your family, friends and neighbours. This is the best way to reach your goal. Because you have very less time to earn more. This might help you out.

Re: Short Campaign 18 days

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:43 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: Short Campaign 18 days

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:37 pm
by nomlinz
There's no reason a short campaign won't work.

The way to get short campaigns to work, is similar to how you'd get a "longer" 30-60 day campaign to work.

It all starts in the pre-launch phase where you find your audience and hype them up for your launch.

If you've already launched and need to get to a goal within 18 days, then it's time to get on the phone with friends and family. Crowdfunding is all about relationships. Go forth and activate your strongest relationships and getting a confirmation that they'll help you reach your goal. Stretch goals and anything else won't matter if you don't get down and dirty to pull in friends, family and those close to you.