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First Kickstarter Campaign..Off to a slow start

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:32 pm
by fourdesigngroup
Hello all! My team and I just recently launched our first kickstarter campaign for a modular wrist watch The project is called CAPSULE. We are unfortunately not off to the best of starts and underwhelmed by the lack of momentum so far. We want to reach out and see what people thought of the campaign and hopefully get some insight as to what's working and whats not. Has anyone had a campaign that started slow but got a boost midway?

Any advice is or feedback is appreciate as we are all ears! Thanks!

Re: First Kickstarter Campaign..Off to a slow start

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:06 pm
by hyperstarter
Cool. I've worked on many overfunded watch campaigns, so can quickly go through yours.

You've got a lot of time left, so that's good news. The problem is when visiting your campaign page, it looks like you're just selling components. A good quality image of a put-together watch goes along way, rather just by showing bits.

Also, it's not ultimately clear why people should build their own watch. Could you make the benefits visible on the page better, perhaps breaking down the features and your experience.

Let me know if we can help and feel free to get in touch.

Re: First Kickstarter Campaign..Off to a slow start

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:41 pm
by fourdesigngroup
Thank you Hyperstater! I appreciate the response and thanks for the feedback.

In regards to time, through our research and comparable campaigns it seems that most of them had a good bump in backers at the beginning. We unfortunately did not get as much support through friends/family as we were anticipating and were admittedly late to the game promoting otherwise out of our network. In your experience do campaigns that miss this initial momentum have a chance later on? Have you been a part of any campaigns that get their big boost in the middle instead or early on and still see success?

We do have several images of assembled watches but most of them are on wrists or with outfits and not the just the assembled watch. We are discussing the idea of modifying the campaign to focus on how the watch goes together and how you can customize your own rather than on the premade designs we have. Maybe that would help sell the idea a bit more.

Re: First Kickstarter Campaign..Off to a slow start

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:39 pm
by hyperstarter
Yeah you can still reach your goal. In terms of when we're usually involved, people contact us in the middle / at the end after they've used paid ad agencies or launched without getting the results they expected - more info on campaigns we helped at

Re: First Kickstarter Campaign..Off to a slow start

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:51 pm
by GiO (1998)
It was an ambitious project, it is unfortunate that you couldn't reach your objective, but the idea is really good, you must keep working on it :)