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Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:05 pm
by JamesB

My name is James and I work with a wonderful company called Brushette here in Los Angeles, CA.

We are revolutionizing oral health care by inventing new technologies that are sterile, significantly more cost-effective, and overall a better way to brush your teeth.

We will be releasing our Kickstarter soon and I would like your input on our video. Especially if you already use an electric toothbrush.

If you have any time please take a look at our video and let me know what you think.

James B

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:40 pm
by RFIDsecur

I get an error when playing the video?

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:27 am
by lkim7
Awesome video!! Wish you all the best! You might have convinced a new buyer!

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:12 am
by Weston
Yes! This is one of those ideas that makes so much sense and seems so trivial I thought to myself "why didn't I think of that?" Love the video and I am partial to subscription service. It takes the hassle away from getting a new toothbrush. Its one of those items that is on my mental shopping list and forget almost every time I am at the store. I'm in!

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:51 pm
by JamesB
@RFID. Hey, could you please retry? I cannot see to get an err.

@lkim7. Thank you so much! We launch our Kickstarter in two days! I will keep you posted!

@Weston We plan to make your life easier! :D

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:49 pm
by RFIDsecur
Ok I got it.

I think and take no offence:

Your message isn't as clear as it could be. I would focus more on the benefits and savings of the replacement brush head for existing electric toothbrushes as I understand it for Oral B and Phillips.
Al the rest about the story of toothbrushes is irrelevant you can talk about hygiene without having 1/2 of your video on the history of toothbrushes etc.

From memory Phillips have an UV head sanitiser, so how does yours compare with that, and I don't think it was a big seller for them so that tells you something about the market...?

I'm imagining your brush head is about the price of a new Phillips or Oral B brush, but the monthly cost is where you recoop your money and offer monthly replacement brushes to the client for $1 a month..? something along those lines?
- That's what your video should explain.

A) it is a replacement alternative head for Phillips oral B (is it universal?)
B) How it works.
C) the saving is X for a monthly outlay and free plug in replacement bristle for $1 /month subscription.
D) Benefit, Less waste less plastic waste, better hygiene.

Are you limited by any patents from these companies?
Is your brush head approved by dentists? I am sure Phillips and OralB spent a lot on their brush head tech with dentists how do you counter that?

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:49 pm
by JamesB
@RFID Thank you so much for the in-depth review. We really appreciate it. I will review with my team.

We launched yesterday if you guys would like to check it out! ...

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:00 pm
by RFIDsecur
I see your Campaign follows a lot of the points I made?

I have contributed to your campaign I think it is a far better product than Y brush but you need to be achieving their level of support. The trajectory of your campaign is not looking like it ought to, so I hope you have some more support coming on stream?

Could you put greater explanation of what each brush does as I see all the names and the brush heads but that message about what each does is missing..?

Good luck

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:30 pm
by RFIDsecur
I am just going to give you some extra advice.

I would pull your campaign, you haven't got enough initial traction or supporters. Unless you have something amazing happening very soon that's my advice.

I would also say, I backed you 24 hrs ago. You haven't reached out to me through the campaign to say thanks or engage with me. That suggests you are not doing that with any of your backers, and it is not like you are swamped with them... If this is reflective of your approach to KS, your lack of engagement is going to doom you along with your lack of support.

I think you have a great business, product and method for income. It's just your marketing sucks.. you are too early and unprepared.

Re: Do you use an Electric Toothbrush?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:06 am
by Mcgoli58
Getting a checkup regularly in the dental hospital is extremely important if you want to keep your teeth healthy for a longer time. I never take a chance with my dental health and that's why visit our family dentist Hermosa Beach thrice a year. I like to take my kids too with me.