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First Ever Soft and Flexible Wrist Watch Made of Wood

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:49 pm
by lorenzobuffa
Hey Kickstarter forum!

Another new member here. We launched our campaign 5 days ago and have surpassed out goal by 50%! Take a look at the campaign here:

As you could guess, we are very excited! We only wish we set a higher goal now as we're finding a drop off in engagement in the project. We're working on stretch goals and are trying to come up with some that will not overly complicate meeting minimum order quantities from the manufacturer.

Anyone have any tips on how to keep the momentum going? Esepcialy advice about keeping it going once the goal was it? I've been reaching out to blogs and submitting press releases - so far no real big bitters but there is this: ... _25722.asp

Any tips and feedback would be great - I have a feeling I'll get to know some of you pretty well during the next 25 days!

Re: First Ever Soft and Flexible Wrist Watch Made of Wood

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:40 pm
by sbriggman
Awesome! Seems like you guys have had some good success. As simple as it sounds, you need to keep driving relevant traffic to the page. That can come from accessing the audience of blogs, communities online, or in-person events.

Do you have any tips that you'd like to share or lessons you have learned from running the campaign? I can publish them on CrowdCrux or CrowdfundingPR

Re: First Ever Soft and Flexible Wrist Watch Made of Wood

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:34 pm
by lorenzobuffa

The number 1 message I have to share is this: You will not relax during your campaign - because when you do, it means less traffic.

When I'm out at a bar seeing a friend, or buying groceries, or relaxing to a movie - I can't sit still long because the only thing running through my head is "right now - by not publicizing your project - you are lessening your funding potential"

I have been glued to my computer and phone for the past 2 weeks and expect to do the same for the rest of the campaign. There are always more blogs, writers, boards, etc. to pursue for press - all of that on top of working on the actual projects rewards themself.

Heres one thing thats awesome. All of our manufacturing, supply chain, packager, etc. are now taking us 100% seriously. Not to say they didn't before, but previously things went a bit slower as all i would have was a "theoretical potential" to present to them.

Thanks so much for the tips and info crowd funding PR.