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Timothy Ostdiek writes songs, but could use some help...

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:38 am
by timothyostdiek
Hey folks,

Good to read your posts and see other people's experiences with crowd funding.

I'm a singer/songwriter based out of Colorado. My latest batch of songs are inspired by transition, loss, and the beauty in new beginnings. My goal is to turn them into a professionally produced five song EP and I've taken to Kickstarter to make it happen. Here is my campaign: ... rds-new-ep

After 5 days I've made it to about $500 and I believe reaching the goal of $4,000 is possible but also know that I need to step up my game and find new ways to promote/raise interest/get more press.

I'm interested in hearing your ideas on promoting a music campaign and also interested in getting your take on my campaign.

Thank you all!

Re: Timothy Ostdiek writes songs, but could use some help...

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:00 am
by sbriggman
Hey Timothy - Congrats on the 1k. That's some good progress. I would check out You can also check out ... ckstarter/

Re: Timothy Ostdiek writes songs, but could use some help...

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:43 pm
by timothyostdiek
Thanks for the reply! I'll check those out.