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Smart Q45 - We like to hear what you think about my campaign

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:08 pm
by celtd
I'd really like to hear what you think about my campaign. Tell me all the suggestion for us to improve on.

Many thanks

Re: Smart Q45 - We like to hear what you think about my camp

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:15 am
by VaporStarter
celtd wrote:Tell me all the suggestion for us to improve on.


Pretty nice looking graphics on your puzzle game. I found the audio a bit rough on your video.. lots of background noise and at one point the music track got pretty loud. The video is a bit long too, and I think the game-play portions could be worked on so as to be a bit more clear. You're trying to pack a lot of information into the video.. but you don't really need to.. as you have the entire project page to add additional information. So my suggestion would be to tighten-up the video a bit.

Re: Smart Q45 - We like to hear what you think about my camp

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:04 pm
by sbriggman
celtd wrote:Tell me all the suggestion for us to improve on.

Nice graphics! Agree regarding the length of the video. Should be max 3 minutes. Also agree the audio needs work.

Re: Smart Q45 - We like to hear what you think about my camp

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:12 am
by celtd
Thank you for your suggestion. I will work on those asap. thank you again

Re: Smart Q45 - We like to hear what you think about my camp

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:45 am
by sbriggman
:) Best way to thank us is to take 5 minutes to provide feedback on another's campaign if you haven't already!

Re: Smart Q45 - We like to hear what you think about my camp

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:02 am
by Scott
Like the others said the graphics are really nice. The layout of the kickstarter is rather informative and well planned as well. the only thing i dont understand is the order you choose the Stretch Goals, Android is the number one platform on the market right now with iOS 2nd and windows falling way behind.

£5,000 - In addition to the iPhone platform, we will also release the game on iPad.

£7500 - In addition to the iOS platform, we will also release the game for Windows Phone.

£10000 - In addition to the iOS platform and Windows Phone, we will also release the game for Android devices.

Why wouldnt you supply the game in order of largest audience first? other than that it looks great!