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To Throw Away the Campaign and Start Fresh or Re-Tool?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:01 pm
by BradShoemaker
I am a Podcast Producer. I came from a radio/TV background.

I followed as many of the pieces I could find online about starting a crowdfunding campaign. I have a network of people I leaned on, I have many people who have heard our pilot episode of the Podcast we are trying to fund, all of who loved it and commented various things and "can't wait to hear more"... but when push comes to shove, only 2 have backed our project.

Many of these people I have gone out of my way to help in the past, including backing their projects.

Now that I am 8 days in and only have 1% raised... the question I have is... when is it time to throw in the towel? Should I try to salvage it? If salvaging it, should I re-tool the entire thing?

Take a look, give me your throughts. It's an Indiegogo Campaign so I guess scrapping is, overall, a bad idea as I can still get some fund from it even if the goal is not met... but should I overhaul this thing or just make minor tweaks?

Thanks for your advice,

The Don't Flinch Podcast Campaign:

Don't Flinch is a Horror Anthology Podcast

Brad Shoemaker

Re: To Throw Away the Campaign and Start Fresh or Re-Tool?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:08 pm
by hyperstarter
Scrap it unfortunately. $80 out of $10k means you won't reach it.

I don't think this campaign will take off if you relaunch, because the Rewards aren't that inspiring. Offering a ringtone, tshirt, wallpaper or podcasts on a USB are the sort of things people give away for free as promotional items. They're promoting your business, so they're not really rewards.

Best of luck with it all.

Re: To Throw Away the Campaign and Start Fresh or Re-Tool?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:17 pm
by BradShoemaker
Thank you for the insight. Yeah trying to find an inspiring reward was a major issue that I had. I took a look at other people's examples. It isn't a solid product. It's easy to come up with rewards for a product. I can think of thousands of them. Add ons, special backers only products, etc...

Unfortunately with a podcast the show is free for everyone to begin with. Therefore, what do I give away that is inspiring? Artwork, sound effects, t-shirts, and the ability to be part of the show are the only things I could really think of, outside of the ringtone, wallpaper, etc.

Again. I appreciate the advice.

Re: To Throw Away the Campaign and Start Fresh or Re-Tool?

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:16 am
by hyperstarter
No problem :) I think what you'd have to do is look at getting your Podcast sponsored. Whether it's through people you know or target businesses in your niche, that might be the best way.

Re: To Throw Away the Campaign and Start Fresh or Re-Tool?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:15 pm
by alexissmith
re-tool. If it's not working then it's not working.