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Backercamp or My Gigs? Any good?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:45 pm
by kleptograph
I've never crowdfunded before. Our film's backer dropped out last week, so I literally was forced to put together a Kickstarter in a day. It's going pretty well, but I'm really trying to make the campaign successful enough, where we start getting donations from people outside of the ones we know.

I've been looking into BackerCamp and also MyGigs.Co, has anybody used these? I've read some good things but cannot find a definitive answer on whether this will have any direct impact on the films success. Any tips?



Re: Backercamp or My Gigs? Any good?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:02 am
by hyperstarter
Hi, first time I've heard of Mygigs on here. Backercamp (and are pretty established although may end up costing you a bit. We're *Hyperstarter* are pretty new too.

Promoting a film is complex I find, usually the rewards are a tshirt or a keychain, the sort of thing which should be given for free as promo material ;/

Best of luck!

Re: Backercamp or My Gigs? Any good?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:03 am
by Backertree
Hey Greg, How are you doing today mate?

The My-Gigs campaign boost services are just 'spammy' shares/posts and will not do any good for your campaign. Unless you already have a big name for yourself, I don't think the press release distribution service will bring in any return on investment there (and it will only take you a few minutes to write a press release yourself as well).

It's great to see that you are funded early on but the stage in the campaign you are at now is generally where everything slows down (then historically more backers will come in as the campaign is ending).

As you aren't raising too much money I think the best thing you could spend your money on is skeaping with a consultant either over the phone or via email so you can work with them on creating a marketing strategy to bring in additional backers. I have heard good things about Backercamp so it may be worth getting in touch with them. Hyperstarter does also offer a support service and I do as well and my new crowdfunding consultation website/platform will be live tomorrow so feel free to get in touch if this is something you are interested in.

If you do have a few hours a day to focus on your campaign over the next 20 days, doing the research yourself will also be beneficial but if you do have some money to spend on marketing/promotional services, this can help save some time strategizing and researching. Best of luck with your campaign Andrea :)

Kind Regards,

Team Backertree!

Re: Backercamp or My Gigs? Any good?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:25 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.