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KS Video. Upload or embed?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:56 pm
by Alanrick
Which is better? Uploading the video directly to the Kickstarter page or embedding a Youtube video into the Kickstarter page?

My video won't be professional so I doubt it would get many clicks from the youtube public, and I'm worried about youtube blocking it for reasons outside of my control (such as someone maliciously reporting it). All that speaks for putting it on KS. But maybe there are counter arguments.

Many thanks in advance for advice,

Re: KS Video. Upload or embed?

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:51 am
by Backertree
Hey Alan, How are you doing today?

For professionalism purposes, I'd suggest uploading the video directly to Kickstarter. I am not sure why, but I find that it seems more professional and I think it looks better as well. Feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions :)

Best Regards,

Team Backertree!