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HELP ASAP PLEASE!Feedback from Real Passionate Crowdfunders?

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:29 pm
by Pantyprop


This is our second Kickstarter campaign launch, the first one we rushed and did very quickly but got almost 20% of our goal with no advertising or marketing because of our product.
This time we took our time and think we showed our greatest strengths in our new campaign. ... =discovery

SO we are trying to get the insight and best advice from true Crowdfunders in regards to :
what makes you help companies and entrepreneurs raise funds with your contribution?
Where do you suggest we post our campaign ?
Who do you suggest we contact or referrals, etc?

We are open to any feedback bad or good or suggestions.
We have had such great press and just really want to help women with such a worldwide issue.

Thank you in advance and looking forward to all of your expertise and insight

Please feel free to pass along the link and information if you know any women, crowdfunders, or investors who would be interested.
And feel free to contact us with any questions as well

Re: HELP ASAP PLEASE!Feedback from Real Passionate Crowdfund

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:02 pm
by hyperstarter
Hi, I posted a tweet to your campaign and the link, so hope it helps a little.

In terms of your campaign, it looks MUCH better than the 1st one. The photos are really good, the description and text is clear.

I personally don't like the photo of the woman putting on her panties, but I guess it's part of your product "in action". If you were to keep it, could you perhaps crop the height to focus on the panty's/product only?

Regarding who to contact, my feeling is that you should of prepared this before the launch. You still have time to do it, but it may be a little rushed + potential writeups may look at the lack of backers and be put off.

What does your product offer that others don't? Price, comfort, material quality?

At the stage you're at now, look at your competitors on KS. See who they connected with and connect with the same influencers?


Re: HELP ASAP PLEASE!Feedback from Real Passionate Crowdfund

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:55 pm
by Pantyprop
Thank you very much for your response and post of the link.
Yes, indeed the first one was very rushed and poorly written and even though it only hit 15% of goal , it garnered alot of publicity and investors, and most purchased through web.
Your advice about the picture crop is great. Will get this done today because your right.
As well, not sure how to contact similar campaign backers, we looked into that but could not see the contacts info. Do you have any insight into this more.

Again, thank you

Re: HELP ASAP PLEASE!Feedback from Real Passionate Crowdfund

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:27 am
by hyperstarter
No problem! I've already sent you email.

What I'd recommend you do re: this forum is just post images of the panty prop with your text + a link to the campaign. I think people get confused about the meaning of the name. It's actually a useful product so I too am confused as to why it's not getting a larger number of backers.