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What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:32 am
by StephenCroft
My project could be categorized as a Art, Crafts or Design project.
Currently Art has 392 live projects, Crafts has 183 and Design has 691.

My question:
Should i list it under the category that has the least competition (ie. Crafts), therefore higher up in "Popularity", or should I list it under the category with the biggest audience (ie. Design - I am assuming this as it's the first category i look at each session).

Re: What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:50 pm
by NoteCaddie
Hello there! Wishing you great success. What is your project? I think your project is best served to align closely with the correct area. Generally, when I am browsing kickstarters if something feels out of place (especially in the same project class that my project is in), I would react with some cynicism. And since people who are in Kickstarter tend to be backers,no think this opinion matters. A well done and well placed Kickstarter will succeed with or without a difference in numbers in your selected project class IMO.

My Kickstarter is here. Please check it out and tell your golfing friends about us! ... obile-golf

Re: What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:56 pm
by Backertree
Hey Stephen, How are you doing today? :)

If a project has the ability to fit into more than 1 category, it can be hard to choose the right one. As NoteCaddie said above, it really does depend on what your project is. It has been a while since you asked the question but if you still aren't 100% sure, throw a PM my way or reply here and I'd love to help you out.

Best of luck with your campaign!

Team Backertree!

Re: What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:17 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.

Re: What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:41 am
by binspired
I put mine in crafts/stationery over product design, where most similar projects are and it is where most of my pledges have come from. I'm also in the most popular section so I think it's been beneficial to me being in crafts with less projects than in the crowded ones.
But you probably should put it in the one that aligns most with your product. Think about what your ideal customer is looking for and which category would your ideal customer go to first.

Re: What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:35 am
by OneTimeApp
Mine is a messenger app. which gives shares of company to those who buy the app. Which category i should choose on kickstarter.

Re: What Kickstarter Category should i choose?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:52 am
by LoxtonAxiosFoods
I myself had the dilemma of category. It's a trouble between super fine points in detail and popularity that's still relevant.