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Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:23 pm
by BaughmanSteve
After several years of watching Kickstarter projects and even backed a few. I have finally launched my own project. It is nerve wrecking, I have been second guessing ever decision I have made for the past 2 months, the pictures, the visuals, the video everything.
After launching just a few hours ago, I can't sit still for more than a few minutes. I feel like all the work I have done for the last several months comes down to a make or break moment.

How did you feel when you launched? Did you have a Launch Party? Are you going through the Pre-Launch jitters now?

I know I am not alone in this...


The Best Baby Accessory Period

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:58 pm
by sbriggman
Yeah... this is actually very common. Pretty much every creator I've spoken to had that feeling of the floor dropping out from under them and their heat lurching up into their throat. You feel exposed, because you put yourself out there, and also excited, because you don't know what will happen!

I've found launch parties to be very successful. It gets people to take action. Many friends, family, and fans want to support but we're constantly having our attention pulled in many different ways.

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:36 am
by ParseRaider
Mr Steve,

I well know what you are talking about.

We are just now working on KickStarter campaign and other social media while the search for parts, manufacturers, quotes, etc seems to be dead set against us making any progress. We hope to start campaign this next week when prototypes arrive and we can do the artwork and edit the text one last time.....

I stay up late and do not get up early and seem to just wait and wait..................

It will get better for you I am sure and I will be following you as well..........

If you have a site giving away $100 bills and have no advertising. well on the brite side you will still have your money :) Just a thought.

I wish you luck and maalox?????

Mike Harmon

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:41 am
by jubeinnovations

I feel pretty much the same way. We also just launched our campaign and experienced pretty much all of the same symptoms as you did, minus the vomit! Hopefully you run a successful campaign, the product looks great and love that it's made in the US.

Best of luck!

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:56 am
by Pantyprop
Best of Luck to you.

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:29 pm
by BaughmanSteve
I knew I wasn't alone....!!!

It has been 24 hours....and pledges have been less than stellar... I have found one of the biggest challenges is many of the people that I have personally reached out to have had trouble making pledges and don't know what Kickstarter even is!
Kickstarter Education is critical. I didn't realize how much so.

I am also finding it challenging to get the word out (surprise surprise, aren't we all). Many News outlets and Bloggers are only interested in a exploding product. I guess only time will tell.

Any advise please let me know... Thanks for reading.

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:24 pm
by DryClimate
Okay, we launched about 30 minutes ago. Crap! I keep thinking we should have fine-tuned, focus-grouped, polled, polished and completely rehaul our campaign. But it's out there: ... r-new-york

Although the feeling of dread and yes, vomit, permeate, a little light came through with our first backer! I think it's best to focus on the successes!

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:07 am
by ParseRaider
1 success is success :) GO GO GO

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:44 am
by DryClimate
Hey, we have 2 successes now! Keep on keeping on!

Re: Just Launched...and I want to VOMIT!!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:23 pm
by BaughmanSteve
While I do agree we need to focus on the successes, we also have to understand the "why" behind the successes. I launched 2.5 day ago now. I was expecting some more of my network to come through for me, and some more "Kickstarter" traffic to help me out.
Looking at 9 backers in 2.5 days I am feeling at a loss. I am not sure what my next step is to find some traction. I am working on Facebook ad's, looked looked into Paid sites, Like Funded Today, and Kickbooster but I don't have those kind of margins to pay for them. ... ory-period