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Just Launched - Is My Product For Everyone Like I Think?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:43 pm
by BumperBumpers
I just launched my product Bumper Bumpers >> . I'm writing because I am not really sure how to market this thing.

I have marketed things online before for Niche markets, which is easy to find and you know where to focus your energy.

In my mind, Bumper Bumpers is more of a product that anyone and everyone could use, at least everyone with a car. Am I correct on this? Or is there a sub-niche audience whom you think would be easier to market to instead of just spewing my marketing focus to everyone.

And if my market is everyone who owns a car, how do you go about marketing for this huge audience?


Re: Just Launched - Is My Product For Everyone Like I Think?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:59 pm
by giftsandcoupons
Hi Jerry.

I had a look at your KS page first. I actually got confused, which isn't a good thing for a potential backer.

In the photos, where are your bumper pads?

The name is a little confusing. I associate "bumper" and cars with "bumper stickers" whilst yours is like a pad/protector.

I'd probably like to see some technical data showing how using your product would soften the impact plus actual savings (rather than showing a picture of a receipt).

I think you also need to treat your backers like they know about this particular industry. Don't use generic photos to describe text on the page, use your own photos of your actual product. Also, I'd want to see about your background in this industry and anyone else who is working on get trust factors.

Finally, which sites/blogs have written about you. Who has used your product...what did they say about it? Get graphics and quotes to help backers trust you.

Re: Just Launched - Is My Product For Everyone Like I Think?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:45 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.

Re: Just Launched - Is My Product For Everyone Like I Think?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:24 pm
by TheMusicVan
I completely agree with the above post. I had a quick look and I don't know if it is too late for you to change - but the video fails to grab my attention. The first 30 seconds don't tell me anything other than so many cars get their bumpers scratched which gets a little tedious despite the strong music choice! This point could be done in 5 seconds and people can make their yes or no decision in that first thirty seconds - so I think you need to start by going straight in there, saying you create a solution to the problem. And show us your product right in the beginning

Re: Just Launched - Is My Product For Everyone Like I Think?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:27 pm
by Jonathan08
I have to agree with what everyone is saying, the video needs some work, the intro showing the dinged bumpers is WAYYYY to long, I lost interest before I even knew what you were selling. I second all the other points everyone is making. If you more than one person is saying the same thing, that's pretty powerful feedback.

Also, I hate to say this but I really don't think the name is very good at all. Hopefully you didn't go and apply for a trademark or anything. I just think it could be much better. I get that you're trying to play on the whole wording of "bumper for bumpers" but I think in this case it just comes off sounding more awkward than anything.

Hope this helps!

Re: Just Launched - Is My Product For Everyone Like I Think?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:13 am
by johnnetr
Wow really impressing, I will definitely make a Pledge! Good luck! :D