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First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:40 pm
by Ibzy
Hey guys,

Great resource you have here - so much info to try to take in it's overwhelming!

So I'm due to launch my Kickstarter campaign for my first "major" indie game (for PC/Steam, hopefully spanning to console) and would like to make sure I've done the best I can before clicking GO.

I run my game "studio" at zero budget, so paying for marketing, video production etc is an instant no (If I could afford to do that stuff, I wouldn't need a Kickstarter ;) ) But I do have fairly good photoshop skills, and can throw a video together if I need to.. I think I need to.

I'd love to hear some feedback on my project as it is so I can hope for the best response form launch, and who better to ask thank you guys? I know I need a video (WIP) and will add graphical headers and a few screenshots/gifs to the mix, but generally: how is the write up? Does it sound interesting enough to make you (if you were a gamer) want to at least try the game? And are my rewards appealing enough? Am I offering enough bang-for-your-buck while at the same time not having to put most of that "extra" cash towards the reward I promised?

Will happily receive all positive and negative (as long as it's constructive) feedback! :) ... n=b58cf20c

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:24 pm
by CfDoodles

I think you are right, you most likely need some sort of video, whether that be screen grabs or something to draw the attention. It could even be like a mix of game play and titles.

Anyways regarding the write up...

I think you are close but you miss the mark slightly. Zombie outbreaks has done before, you need to go over the top either with sarcasm or humor to get that emotional draw from the person.

You know the story: zombie outbreak happens, you and your pal think you could out survive those idiots in the movies, so you head to the place you've reserved as your zombie survival base for 27 years. (Let's face it, we all have that one place...)

You know the story: zombie outbreak happens, you and your pal think you could out survive those idiots in the movies. Luckily for you though, you have watched enough of those B list zombie movies and ordered troves of apocalypse survival packs that you could survive multiple different end of the world scenarios. You even bought one of those DIY bunkers that until recently was used to drink beer and play Halo. (Let's face it, we all have that one place...)

So it turns out you were right, you kicked ass. But this disaster is far from over! After a few weeks gunning down flesh hungry ex-humans, your supplies are starting to run low. Ammo is sparse and the swarm shows no sign of waning, how long can you hold out for rescue?

As it turns out you were right, you kicked ass. Unfortunate for the high school quarterback who thought a stake through the chest would be effective. Maybe he should of spent less time in the gym. But this disaster is far from over! You have been mowing down zombies left and right but supplies are running low. Ammo is going quicker than Krispy Kreme doughnuts fresh from the oven and the swarms keep coming. How long can you hold out for rescue?

Something like that. Go over the top with sarcasm/humor and stand out in that nitch.

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:09 pm
by Ibzy
Great advice, thanks!

I was afraid of having too much in there causing people to get bored. I'll look into filling it out a bit with some more humour as you suggest :)

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:22 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:00 pm
by Ibzy
Thank you, Christina. Apologies for placing this in the wrong area.

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:25 pm
by Ibzy
Ok, so I've made some small adjustments to the write up.

Thinking of adding a zombie horror experience as one of the higher tier rewards - what do you think?

Also, hope to have the video up in the next few days. I'm thinking video footage showing all the fun parts of blowing up zombies, with possibly a voice over (maybe mine?) describing some of the features that sets it apart.

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:04 am
by kelly101
Why are all your rewards gents? Is this some private joke or do you only want male backers?

Re: First game, first Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:04 pm
by Ibzy
It's based on the acknowledgement of someone being a gentleman in respect t their support. I didn't even consider the thought that people would see it as targeting a certain gender.