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At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:16 pm
by saintash
Originally we planed to launch on the July 12th, hover the writer and the editor wanted some last minute changes, I was against changing the date, July would have worked for me Best because I would have had the time I really need to campaign, the websites that is used to really reach out to my very small fan base hadn't been over hauled yet and is now very broken to the point I don’t know if any one is seeing my post. That date would have also been before con season so people would have had a few extra bucks in there pockets, and most importantly I would have had the a chance to maybe talk my family in to Chipping in. However I was over ruled and we ended up launching Early this month.

My family became a wash since my niece was born. And my sister is heading back to school. So on top of the Poor timing Financially and the other general issues mentioned, For the 1st half of the campaign I was helping my parents with their retirement house out of sate 10 hours away, which meant campaigning was difficult to do on my end. Since I had very terrible internet and I was traveling a lot.

By the time I got back home and I could really start do to campaigning was about 3 days ago, and we have kinda tapered off. I thought we are doing well but my partner says we need to be making $100 a day for this to work out, but we aren’t even done with our marketing stuff, so I am not that worried but since this is my first kickstarter I don’t know if I should be more worried

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:27 am
by Mr. YouthWriter
Well for one I feel that only having a single $300 reward is limiting yourself pretty early on; that's just in my opinion. You eliminate any and all the higher potential backers right from the get-go. I say you're doing pretty well so far; I'm 17 days in and only have 65% pledged. But think of it this way; statistically you have over an 80% chance of success, according to Kickstarter. As long as you really hit the campaigning you'll do fine. Do you have a Twitter so I can follow and retweet, help get the word out?

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:04 am
by saintash
I see your point adding more higher perks can only help at this point , and i will speak to my partner about this thanks for the suggestion!

My twitter is

would you like me to write something up for on my tumblr. i have a bunch more followers there then i do on Twitter.

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:20 am
by Mr. YouthWriter
No problem; I mean, I have a $1000 pledge amount. Am I going to expect tons of people to go for that? Not really, no, but I haven't limited it that way I could get more higher-tier backers if I wanted. I shared your project on my Twitter and followed you, but I would love it if you could write something up on your Tumblr! That'd be amazing, actually. I'm currently working with another up and coming author (though one older than my 17 years) to make a sort of interview video with each other, to boost some popularity for both our Kickstarters and just ourselves in general. However, I'd be happy to give you a shout out on my YouTube channel or do anything else I can to help get the word out about your project. Especially since your art looks fantastic!

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:18 pm
by saintash
Ah! my partner on the project is a little iffy about putting higher up ones up with out a Ringer, but he did put anther few 300's up. I put something up on my tumblr a few hours ago, I'd appreciate any shout out, i have lot of writing fans so hopefully they will think Donate the hell out of you!

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:30 pm
by Mr. YouthWriter
Of course! I'll happily give as many shout outs as I can; I understand not being able to put many new rewards. I'm not really working with any partners that I have to consult on though, either. Could you put the link of the Tumblr post so I can link back to it and all that jazz?

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:35 pm
by saintash
My partner has been weird from the start about putting out Higher priced things, i dont understand his logic, but sometimes its not worth the fight. and here is the post on Tumblr : ... h-barfield

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:05 pm
by Mr. YouthWriter
Thanks for sharing! I've retweeted a couple of things of yours, and I must ask, how was the Reddit AMA? I looked it over, and I'm considering doing one myself, but it's something I've never done before. How was it? Did it generate a lot of traffic? Did you feel it helped at all (either by generating some "followers" or directly to your Kickstarter)? Sorry for all the questions, just got curious!

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:39 pm
by saintash
Well honestly it was Hell with the Mods,

For starters you can not link your Kickstarter or anything needing to get funding in your proof. when I posted it first time , They took me down within minutes. (even when i didn't link the kickstarter till after they asked for more proof) And didn't look at what my post was calling me a writer even though I made it clear i was the Artist. And even when I have linked a book. linked a seconded upcoming book, and linked art work that is in said 1st book on my DA, all of them having the same screen name Saintash and Ashley St. Lawrence attached to every link. they said 'any one can link that,' and tried to push me to off into the Causal I ama. They insisted the only way I could prove it was who i said i was on seeing tax documents and invoices. then to make them public.

it took me Two days to resolve. and i don't think it generated one Dollar in pledges, I don't think it got me any followers. it may have sold a few of the my books but I cant be sure for while on that.

Re: At 57% with 17 days to go Should I be worried?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:55 pm
by Mr. YouthWriter
Well AMA sounds like hell. Sorry you had to go through that; it doesn't sound like something that I'm going to be doing then for my Kickstarter. I think I'll just stick to trying to push through with Facebook, Twitter, emails and these forums. Perhaps I'll make a Tumblr, but the thought of that scares me even more than Reddit. Thanks for getting back to me on that, and I hope you didn't die from stress overload or some such thing.