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My first kickstarter project: how I get the look I want?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:46 am
by ursulalopez
Hello people, first of all thanks for reading and help!!

this is the point, I'm working on my very first kickstarter project for a video-game, but I have a problem even before the campain starts....

I want to give to my project a profesional look, and I have been working hard in the images of the project and all the other media, but I can't configure my project page as I want, my problem is this, I saw projects like "Bloodstained" that have a full background image and then a logo over it: ... escription

And I don't know how can I put a background image like that.... and that is not the only project I saw with this kind of background, but I don't find any way to configure my page to show something like that... How could I?

thanks for your advices


Re: My first kickstarter project: how I get the look I want?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:17 pm
by sbriggman
You'll be able customize the cover after your project has finished. See: