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Project features and PR

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:11 pm
by Eden
Hello. Since my project EDEN came online, I've been receiving a lot of e-mails saying things like "we've helped raise over $31 million for project creators" and so on. What do you think about this? May be scam or are really legit services? I've been told good things about CrowdfundingPR, but seems like there's more options like Prefundia, MyVirtualSalesForce, Mohr Publicity, krowdster, Funding Sucessfull, Pressreleasecannon and so on.. Please share your thoughts and services you have worked in the past, it would be great to see real testimonials. Thank you!

Re: Project features and PR

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:16 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.

Re: Project features and PR

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:36 pm
by ed2256
I have had lots of similar requests. Iust google which ever company it is + review and you should see some feedback.

I have said to all of them - give me a free sample, i.e.a trackable link, share, etc- something that proves that their service is worth paying for. So far nobody has done so