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Introduction and Kickstarter Referral Platform Q?

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:05 am
by bena
Hi Guys,

My name is Ben - im putting together a campaign for my st - take a look at our launch page : (love your feedback on it, we;ve just finished it)

Excited for a great campaign - we've spent a year working on our social platforms, email database and building interest for a great campaign (fingers crossed).

My question relates to referral tracking inside the KS dashboard and its capabilities. (ive searched and read heaps already on these boards).

We are in a niche where referrals / affiliate marketing is massive - fitness/sports supplements.
Instagram accounts within this space have 1-3M followers and a few have approached us to help the KS campaign via referrals / link tracking.

What im thinking is:
1. Have a $1 pledge amount which registers referrers in the KS system.
2. They can share via their own URL/link to post on their own insta account.
3. We track all conversions/pledge amounts and pay % post-campaign.

My question is, can we track the total amount each referral sends our way, in order to pay a cash payment at the end of the campaign (once we're funded).

If the above wont work what are some methods people have done this?

Ive read through ... -leftronic but its too complicated - we dont need a leaderboard.

All we need is to see which referrer has sent us which backer and the total $$ referred so we can pay them accordingly.

Can this be done?

Thanks so much in advance guys.

Re: Introduction and Kickstarter Referral Platform Q?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:28 pm
by bena

Re: Introduction and Kickstarter Referral Platform Q?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:02 am
by bena

Rewarding referrals with $ seems like such an untapped side of KS. Weird no one knows anything about it

Re: Introduction and Kickstarter Referral Platform Q?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:42 pm
by kelly101
I think you shoud ask KS for their advice on this one, It may be considered a breach of their policies which would result in your campaign being cancelled.
You have a good product, so I wouldn't risk loosing your funding by breaching KS rules.
They usually answer questions within a day or two of asking

Re: Introduction and Kickstarter Referral Platform Q?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:04 am
by thegadgetflow
Love the landing page, great presentation!