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Bringing lovemaking back to almost everyone

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:17 pm
by Becky
Bella's Kickstarter story ...

A long time ago I fell in love with a boy. He broke my heart. I fell in love with a man. He broke my heart, too. Then the boy came back, three decades later and we both knew we never stopped being in love ....

Along the way this boy (Matthew) met a woman who taught him something amazing, magical, incredible, and he taught it to me. It blew my mind. Seriously. As in OMG! WHAT IS THIS?!?!

I realized this was far more than just a love story I needed to tell, it was something that could change the lives of millions of people. But what could I do with it? How do I get the story out?

So I wrote my tale, I cried, I laughed. I exposed my secrets, bared my soul. I learned so much in the process about love, about sex, about myself. Matthew and I explored our love and Pandora, savoring every minute.

Pandora can bring lovemaking back to your grandparents, to the returning soldier whose mobility is compromised, to the woman you know struggling with cancer.

And now I want to teach the world all about Pandora. Please help me.


As an author of an erotic romance it is hard to be taken seriously. But, aside from a textbook or a racy movie there really is no other way to get the word about Pandora. It is actually real, by the way. Thoughts? Thanks! BECKY

Pandora's Box of Love Kickstarter Project ... ox-of-love

Re: Bringing lovemaking back to almost everyone

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:06 am
by mdriddle
Consider making it clear at the very top what the product is.

Re: Bringing lovemaking back to almost everyone

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:23 am
by Becky
Great tip, MDRiddle. Thank you. I made the changes. :)

Re: Bringing lovemaking back to almost everyone

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:19 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.