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Smoking Aces - Poker like you've never Poker'ed....

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:26 pm
by pawnjokergames
As a long time "hobby developer" I have always wanted to design for the masses but could never raise the money for artwork to engage gamer's with deep theme or dollars to print masses of product to show/provide players. That is until I developed a hybrid Poker strategy game.

Smoking Aces.jpg
Smoking Aces.jpg (72.86 KiB) Viewed 1324 times

Smoking Aces combines traditional playing cards with powerful effects that impact the game for all players. The "art design" is simple, affordable and works! The effects chaotically balanced and every playtester has thoroughly enjoyed playing and outwitting their rivals.

Spade A - Copy3.jpg
Spade A - Copy3.jpg (92.14 KiB) Viewed 1324 times

I advertise for a few months while I study and prepare a Kickstarter campaign. I know it was going to be rough, going to test me as human and a designer.

I now stand 4 days in and under 10% Is this normal? I don't know. This is my first Kickstarter and have no frame of reference beyond the successes I see daily on Kickstarter. Maybe the percentage is low for the first couple of days because of the weekend. Next week will tell.

I hope I can fund so I can continue to create amazing game for some amazing gamers.

Re: Smoking Aces - Poker like you've never Poker'ed....

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:08 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.

Re: Smoking Aces - Poker like you've never Poker'ed....

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:27 pm
by alexcool2020
A couple of months ago I tried to play Smoking Aces and I realized that this is not for me.
This is a very uninteresting game and it can not be compared with real poker. In addition, at first, I was surprised at the constant losses, but then I realized that the problem was in the system. Administrators configure the system in a special way so that the player loses as often as possible. After that, I stopped spending money and decided to find normal and reliable online casinos for poker and other games. I read a lot of reviews and eventually came across
where you can find more games.
This site has a list of the best casinos and I don't regret that I found it.
Did someone try it?

Re: Smoking Aces - Poker like you've never Poker'ed....

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:22 pm
by LeslieBShaw
Cool idea bro! Hell, I hope this gets popular

Re: Smoking Aces - Poker like you've never Poker'ed....

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:27 pm
by charli55
great idea, it has its own thing. I love poker and play it very, very much. You can make money on this project. The main thing is not to be lazy and refine it to the ideal. I saw something similar on but here is a slightly different mechanics and in both cases it sounds super interesting and attractive to customers. I would also love to make a game like this, but I'm not one of those people who can come up with something particularly interesting. But I'm good at playing these games and even sometimes earn on it :)

Re: Smoking Aces - Poker like you've never Poker'ed....

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:02 pm
by LeslieBShaw
charli55 wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:27 pm great idea, it has its own thing. I love poker and play it very, very much. You can make money on this project. The main thing is not to be lazy and refine it to the ideal. I saw something similar on but here is a slightly different mechanics and in both cases it sounds super interesting and attractive to customers. I would also love to make a game like this, but I'm not one of those people who can come up with something particularly interesting. But I'm good at playing these games and even sometimes earn on it :)
I agree, but you need to be careful with this and be cool-headed, this is not given to all people.