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Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:34 pm
by Dish Grappler Jim
Does anyone have any advice on partnering with former successful Kickstarter creators in order to obtain their backer lists? Another term associated with this idea is "revenue sharing." I'd like to know more about this, specifically, what should you offer someone for their backer list?

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:12 am
by giftsandcoupons
Do you have a list of people in mind or do you need a way to access successful projects?

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:38 pm
by Dish Grappler Jim
Thanks G&C,

I've searched Kickstarter and created a list of successful projects with similarities to mine -- also copying down the contact information for the creators of these projects. I've recently read posts on this forum by Hoku about his successful Kickstarter campaign where he mentions partnering with successful Kickstarter project creators and doing a "revenue share" with them in order to obtain their backer lists. I posted my questions to Hoku's post, but he has not yet replied. So now, I'm trying to reach out to anyone who may know something about this.

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:47 pm
by giftsandcoupons
I think you're doing a good start, I'd like to suggest my article but it's been posted a couple of times on this board so I'm sure you can find it as it's a checklist of things to do.

Not sure about a revenue share, that being a long-term commitment plus with KS taking their won't leave you with much. You need to build up a buzz around your product. Get people to test it out, review it, publish on the web...then use the positive results in your KS campaign to build up 2 cents.

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:23 pm
by Dish Grappler Jim
Thank you, G&C!

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:58 pm
by sbriggman
Does anyone have any advice on partnering with former successful Kickstarter creators in order to obtain their backer lists?

If it's a revenue share, do you mean the profit from the project you're going to make or a share of the total funds raised? If the latter, definitely need high margins, which is a difficult way to start a campaign. I would start talking with and getting to know the project creators you might like to partner with, feel them out, and see what kind of agreement might interest them.

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:19 pm
by Dish Grappler Jim
Thanks, Sal,

Defining exactly what is meant by "revenue sharing" and how this is determined is part of what I was asking. I think your advice on getting to know the creators you'd like to partner with, and establishing a rapport is excellent advice.

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:21 pm
by Vanessa
Jim, Krowdster has a Crowd Builder feature that will give you a list of crowdfunding backers which you can filter by social network, category, location and keyword so you can find proven backers who have supported campaigns similar to yours. It can be better than revenue sharing cause you will get a significantly larger list of backers and you don't have to share your funds,

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:54 pm
by Dish Grappler Jim
Thank you for the response, Vanessa. Do you have experience with Krowdster? Do you work for Krowdster? As I have posted on another thread on this site, for every service claiming to offer help with your crowdfunding campaign, you will find both good and bad reviews. Unfortunately, Krowdster is no exception. Here is something I found on "The Rippoff Report" ( ... et-1229047):

[color=#0000FF]"Krowdster is a useless site that preys on people trying to promote their crowdfunding campaign. It is not worth a dime. But my main gripe is their deceptive nature on reoccuring billing.

The initial fee is pricey as it is, but then they charge you 49.00 extra dollars the next month? Insane? Why would someone who is crowdfunding need that when the campaign usually goes a month? Obviously they did that to rip people off.

They say it is in their contract but the person, Josef, I spoke with rudely told me that he always wins the cases where customers want their money back. Soe this is something I'm sure he does all of the time. The company purposely tricks people into this and has their employees send this response.

This arrogant employee tells me not to threaten him because their company, krowdster, has 5,000 people who like them. Wow! I'm so amazed. So I'm dealing with a cheating arrogant person and a terrible waste of a company.

Stay away from this rip-off. Krowdster is a total waste of money. Spend it elsewhere. Anywhere else actually is better than with krowdster."

If anyone has any comments on their experience with Krowdster, I would appreciate hearing about it.

Re: Partnering with Successful Kickstarter Creators

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:47 am
by Vanessa
Jim, I work for Krowdster, and you're absolutely right, every service is bound to have good and bad reviews and that is the case with Krowdster too, although I'm glad to say we have but a few bad reviews and lots of satisfied customers. The issue with the customer who wrote the complaint at The Ripoff Report has been resolved, he was refunded and he understood that it was a matter of miscommunication. Regarding our services though, you can rest assured that Krowdster delivers what is expected of each of its feature.