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Change Payment Method on KS

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:59 pm
by lostinwebspace
Hi everyone,

Sorry, sorry, for not showing up lately and being out of touch with my fellow crowdfunders. My campaign was successful a couple months ago, so I've been busy-busy-busy producing The Thing and trying to get rewards out. It's not over, but it's almost over. But you all haven't been forgotten!

Anyway, my question for coming here, for all you Kickstarter account holders, is how do we change the method in which we're paid our money? I'm going to start a new campaign in the next couple months and I've recently switched accounts. And I can't find the option to change my payment method. I've found the option to change the account from which I back other projects, but not the account into which Kickstarter deposits my funds if I'm successful. Any ideas?

(If you're interested in what I've launched, here is the link: In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry issue 1. The book, a superhero comedy/sci-fi, will show up on Amazon in the next month or two.)