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Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiegogo?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 3:27 am
by Amillux
We launched our Kickstarter yesterday and since then we've been directly contacted by Indiegogo and asked to drop our campaign and switch platforms. Is this something that has happened to anyone else? Did you go through with it? Did you have success?

They aren't offering anything too fancy like front page exposure or a media blast, but they want to get us in contact with a team to relaunch.

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 1:33 pm
by thegadgetflow
They usually do that if they see potential.

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 1:50 pm
by Amillux
Then it's probably something we need to consider. Our launch thus far hasn't gained any steam. We haven't received any negative feedback on the product itself regarding look or function, but we're thiking it's either priced too high or we just didn't do a good enough job of building a backer base prior to launch day so it's missed the opportunity to catch on as "popular". Most likely some combination of both.

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:00 pm
by pixelpixi
Interesting. Did they offer anything for switching or give any good rationale for doing so?

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 2:53 pm
by Amillux
They want to have us work with their marketing team in order to regroup and build up a base prior to a relaunch. They also want to help us with a marketing strategy and potential advertising avenues. We're a pair of enginerds, so marketing is our weakpoint which is why it's so tempting. Couple that with no traction and the statistics being grim based on our current backing level and it's a hard decision.

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 2:17 am
by Jackofmany
This platform is going to take over the crowdfunding Industry in a year or two. I mean do to kickstarter or gofundme, what Facebook did to Myspace. Let me tell you why.

They have a patent pending funding process, that will help fund campaigns on their platforms. Its a general fund taken from their fees, set aside to fund under funded project selected by just the users on the platform. Put in simple terms, if they do 1 billion in donations like kickstarter or gofundme, the general fund would have spent $30 million helping other smaller user selected projects get funding. The great thing is its still cheaper than kickstarter, crazy idea right?

They offer users a percentage of donations, when users help fund raise for any ones campaigns on their platform. So you can basically click on any campaign and start a fund raiser, share it and as money rolls in, it is split according to what percentage the original project will allow for their fundraisers as fees, sweat.

The top 50 donors and top 50 users by point activities run the show of the operations along with admin, they call it "Council of 100"
Now this has potential of attracting very wealth philanthropist/ billionaires sitting on this online board as top 50 donors, overseeing the General fund. They will will have to pay their way in though which is great for campaigns on the platform.

It is called
Check out this vid

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:52 pm
by Artisanal Pride
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to run a campaign on kickstarter and indiegogo at the same time. I am going to look around the internet to see if I can find an example.

Re: Has your Kickstarter campaign been approached by Indiego

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:55 pm
by sbriggman
@artisanalpride I don't think it's a good idea. My reasons: ... campaigns/