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Live in Australia but not Australian

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:08 am
by Whiteday0329
Hi there, i have read the creator guide and it says that if you are not a citizen of the selected country, then you can't throw a kickstarter.

My question is, i am from Singapore and i want to make a video game, i am currently staying in Australia as a student, i have everything kickstarter needed (bank acc, address, driver's license) but just not an Australian.

I know it sounds creepy and i am not trying to make a scam, but if i tried to throw a kickstarter, and if it's succeed, Is kickstarter going to check my identity or it won't?

I understand someone would say strict to their rules to ensure it won't have any problems, but sometimes it's just not fair to those who have great idea but not the "selected one".

And even i can't, i can still borrow my partner's identity(he is from UK), but i just want to do everything in my own.

Thanks for answering the questions.

Re: Live in Australia but not Australian

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:41 am
by Magnus
You should be okay if you've got the relevant information that's required.

Easiest way to find out is start creating your project and then go to the "Account" section of the project creation area... and see what information it asks for (each country will be a little different).

Re: Live in Australia but not Australian

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:19 pm
by kelly101
You dont need to be a citizen to start a KS. You need to be a permanent resident, if you pay tax in Oz then this may suffice, it really depends on your visa? Check with the tax office if you are considered a resident for tax purposes.

As Oz visas are electronic it would be difficult(not impossible) for them to request to see it. As long as you have the required ID then you should be fine.

For primary ID have your driving license transferred or take the test, or apply for a scooter test:) and you should already have a credit card and address proof.

Below is a link to the requirements for each country: ... h&term=who
Hope this helps