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Kickstarter re-review process after revision?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:16 pm
by aknicholas
I'm going live with a project on Sunday. I submitted for review today, hoping for the normal 2-3 business day review process.

If I am approved Friday, and make some minor tweaks on Saturday, will I still be able to launch Sunday? Or will it get re-reviewed. I know Kickstarter used to allow edits after approval and after launch without any delay or re-review. But I know they've changed a few things. I've looked through the site and found no clear answer.

Has anyone done this recently? Revised a project that was just reviewed?

Warning: My project contains artistic nudity ... n=14ae848c

Re: Kickstarter re-review process after revision?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:27 pm
by Tom Beckett
I want to say that you will be able to make edits after the review process and before your launch, as well as during the campaign, although maybe that has changed since May/June of last year. The review process is really a very quick review, simply to find some blatant red flags. I know Kickstarter is trying to better improve what projects go live, but there isn't someone very strictly following a checklist as they look at your proposal.

Regardless, you'll find out at the end of the weekend! Good luck!

- Tom