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Let's Talk About Feelings! (Funding from friends/family)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:45 pm
by ExplodingDesk
So, my Kickstarter is doing well! I'm happy about that! However, and I'm wondering if any of you have felt the same.

I didn't expect my family and friends to be such big donors, and I'm feeling a little sheepish (for lack of a better word) about it. Obviously they chose to do it, but it feels like a lot of money.

So far my backer number is almost half and half people I know/ people I don't know. However, my amount raised is about 80% of family and friends.

I guess this makes sense. I am a first time creator without a lot backing me up. My "you can trust me" resume is non-existant, as I'm moving into new territory. (Formerly I worked in medical research.) Therefore, those who don't know me are willing to take a chance, but not a huge chance.

Has anyone else experienced this? Were you expecting it?

Re: Let's Talk About Feelings! (Funding from friends/family)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:30 pm
by therriaultk
Congrats on being so close to your goal!
I understand your feeling, but I do think it's normal for friends and family to make up a large portion of support for crowdfunding campaigns.
Also, I saw an interview with Indiegogo's CEO recently that made a good point: if your friends and family aren't supporting your campaign, why should a stranger?
So in your case when you say you don't have much experience that support will help you even more.

Re: Let's Talk About Feelings! (Funding from friends/family)

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:05 am
by ExplodingDesk
therriaultk wrote:Congrats on being so close to your goal!
I understand your feeling, but I do think it's normal for friends and family to make up a large portion of support for crowdfunding campaigns.
Also, I saw an interview with Indiegogo's CEO recently that made a good point: if your friends and family aren't supporting your campaign, why should a stranger?
So in your case when you say you don't have much experience that support will help you even more.

Good point! I'd love to see the statistics on this.

Re: Let's Talk About Feelings! (Funding from friends/family)

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:50 am
by uttoransen
Congrats for reaching close to your funding goals. Good to know that your family and friends are backing you. That should be the general rule, right?

Uttoran Sen,

Re: Let's Talk About Feelings! (Funding from friends/family)

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:21 pm
by Caselace
We've been amazed at how wonderful some of our friends are being, including large donations for no reward. We'd like them to change their choice and plump for a reward though as we don't want to be viewed as a charity case :o