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Some questions about kickstater? Need some insight

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:39 pm
by NYC

How is everybody doing? Me and a few friends are part time artists and we have been working on drawing a playing card deck with original artwork. We wanted to try to lauch the product on kickstater to get out there on our own as independents. The deck is drawn like no deck we have seen so it's very new school with a classic feel.

Here are the questions if somebody can share there input?

1. How is the best way to lauch a campain that reaches the goal? Our goal would be at least 10k to cover costs and we would want to limit it to 2k decks

2. Are the backers strangers or people you know? We are not very active on social media and we all work full time jobs so getting on social media for long period of times is not possible

3. There are alot of companies that spread the word for a fee which are legit and the best?

4. How would you go about setting up a playing card project on kickstater?

5. Any advice on this topic that could help us?

Sorry for the long read but we had offers from a few companies to sell the art for work but if we did that we would make under minuem wage for all the hours we put in on the cards which wouldnt make sense where not into it for the money but we do have bills to pay also. Any help on this topic would be appreciated

Re: Some questions about kickstater? Need some insight

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:40 pm
by Electric Car Insider
Great resource, thanks for the tips! I'll be tweeting and sharing everyone's links on here! :D

Re: Some questions about kickstater? Need some insight

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:12 am
by quadzool
I would say you've got an uphill battle. 10k and not very good at social media is not a good combo. Do your homework, get better at the social media, and see if you can lower your goal. Planning is important, you're at least on here asking questions, that's a good start.